Although I haven't posted any thing on my blog is a while, i have helped with a few projects over the past few months. Since it's already half way through the year (how time flies!), I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to update what I've worked on.
In April, my war gaming group; Leicester Phat Cats, managed to place at Salute with a demo board based on 2008 Russian invasion of South Occetia. Due to our lateness, we only had 8 weeks to completely build from scratch a 6" x 10" board and all the models. I was tasked with painting some of the buildings for the residential area.
After (buildings on the left)
Full board photo, courtesy of Ant
Also this month I have helped paint a viking long ship for our demo at the UK Games Expo at Birmingham this Weekend (30th May - 1st June)
I am also starting commission work for a friend. I will be painting his warzone brotherhood army from Prodos Games. A bit of a challenge for me as it will be the most models I have ever painted at one go or even completed (I have only ever fully painted 7 individual models, not including scenery). I'm really looking forward to painting these as they are such gorgeous models! Here is some photos of the assembled models and I'll hopefully update the blog with more images once they have been completed.
Thanks for reading!