Friday 8 June 2012

I'm not dead

I haven't had a chance to update my blog in a while so here is a quick update. The end of last month and this month has been very busy with me moving out of uni and back home for summer so I haven't had the chance to paint as much as I'd like.

 I'm still not fully equipped to paint either. This was discovered after the arms of one of my models snapped off and I didn't have any super glue to stick it back together. So my mission this month is to:
- Buy super glue,
- Get my Day light lamp sorted,
- Buy some spray paint to base my models,
- Buy files.

I also want to buy some models too and have a go at putting them together. I can't always wait until I visit my boyfriends for him to sort them for me haha. I should have an update with photos of my current work in progresses soon.

Until then, happy painting.