Sunday, 7 October 2012


This is my 4th attempt at this model and I still can't get her right. Highlights are rubbish, she's too brown overall and I can't paint faces on 40mm models.
So after some careful consideration I'm going to strip her once again (throwing her out of the window was an option too) and re-do her once my painting skills have leveled up. For now I'm going to work on other models, so hopefully I'll have an update about those soon.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Artemis - WIP

This is my 4th attempt at painting this model as mentioned in a previous post. ~ here. I decided to go for a darker skin tone using Citadel paints; Mournfang Brown, Bugman's glow and Cadian Fleshtone, which was kindly lent to me by Mountain of Metal. I've still got to do more on her skin but I'm pretty pleased with how she is turning out. 

Hopefully I'll managed to get her finished this time, so wish me luck!

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Shinomi - Completed

I finally finished the Kabuki model; Shinomi and I'm  pleased with how she turned out. She is now my 4th finished model :).

 I'm now going to start working on the Kingdom Death Model - Grand Mother.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

WAMP 2012

On Saturday, Maelstrom games was holding WAMP 2012. After hearing that it had a few painting workshops that would be really useful me and my boyfriend decided to go. Along with the painting competition there were three workshops running; Speed painting, Painting faces with Tommie Soule from Golem Paint Studio and Weathering and Pigments with John Keys (which never happened as the painting faces workshop ran for 3 1/2 hours instead of 1.) The painting faces work shop was great,Tommie was a great teacher and we learnt lots of new but sometimes obvious painting skills. He also told me I need to practice my brush control. So lots of practice for me!

While I was at Maelstrom games, I thought I'd pick up a few new models to work on over the summer and after admiring the Kingdom Death models for some time, I bought two. One of the models was the limited edition Lion Knight 2nd and although expensive looks really amazing. The second is called Grand Mother.

Both are gorgeous and also creepy models, but the amount of detail in the sculpts is amazing.  I love the artwork and boxes they come in too. I can't wait to build and paint them.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Shinomi - WIP

I got the beautiful Kabuki model - Shinomi a while ago as a present but due to a combination of being busy and laziness, I still haven't completed her. I managed to get a bit more painted at the weekend so hopefully I should have her finished soon.

A few more details, a final touch up and her base needs doing then she's done! Hopefully the painting faces workshop at Maelstrom games this Saturday will help.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

4th Time Lucky

A little while ago I bought the gorgeous Hassle Free miniature; Artemis and was really excited to paint her. She's a really nice model and is well priced for being 40mm too but because of my luck and lack of experience when it comes to painting, I have had to strip her three times. So hopefully 4th time lucky and I'll be able to upload photo of her finished or WIPs.

Friday, 8 June 2012

I'm not dead

I haven't had a chance to update my blog in a while so here is a quick update. The end of last month and this month has been very busy with me moving out of uni and back home for summer so I haven't had the chance to paint as much as I'd like.

 I'm still not fully equipped to paint either. This was discovered after the arms of one of my models snapped off and I didn't have any super glue to stick it back together. So my mission this month is to:
- Buy super glue,
- Get my Day light lamp sorted,
- Buy some spray paint to base my models,
- Buy files.

I also want to buy some models too and have a go at putting them together. I can't always wait until I visit my boyfriends for him to sort them for me haha. I should have an update with photos of my current work in progresses soon.

Until then, happy painting.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Quick Update

I finally have some paints of my own now, so I can now start practising painting models at home, which should be good.  I also got a great bamboo paint brush roll as a present from my boyfriend which is now being used for all my brushes.

. Well after not doing much painting this weekend; apart from base coating my Eldar Vyper Jetbike, I've decided that I'd start painting one of boyfriends pirate girls. Hopefully it will go well since I won't be able to constantly ask my bf for advice. So I'm predicting lots of trawling through tutorials so I don't mess up. Wish me luck. 

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Completed Shae - 54mm

The finished version of Shae which I'm pretty pleased with. I still need to practice details such as eyes and highlighting and also straight lines but practice makes perfect.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Painting is fun. Yeah!

Well I've finally gotten into painting models after being influenced by my boyfriend. After seeing him paint his Flames of War and Dystopian Wars models (among many, many others), I decided I'd give it ago with his help. My first project(s) were two 28mm Hassle Free miniatures which were a present from Salute 2012.  I painted them last week and they were my first attempts at painting.

My next project - 54mm model

For my next project, my boyfriend found an old 54mm model which he stripped. I painted this model this weekend (pictures to come soon) and I plan to finish the bases on the other models next weekend.