Sunday, 12 August 2012

WAMP 2012

On Saturday, Maelstrom games was holding WAMP 2012. After hearing that it had a few painting workshops that would be really useful me and my boyfriend decided to go. Along with the painting competition there were three workshops running; Speed painting, Painting faces with Tommie Soule from Golem Paint Studio and Weathering and Pigments with John Keys (which never happened as the painting faces workshop ran for 3 1/2 hours instead of 1.) The painting faces work shop was great,Tommie was a great teacher and we learnt lots of new but sometimes obvious painting skills. He also told me I need to practice my brush control. So lots of practice for me!

While I was at Maelstrom games, I thought I'd pick up a few new models to work on over the summer and after admiring the Kingdom Death models for some time, I bought two. One of the models was the limited edition Lion Knight 2nd and although expensive looks really amazing. The second is called Grand Mother.

Both are gorgeous and also creepy models, but the amount of detail in the sculpts is amazing.  I love the artwork and boxes they come in too. I can't wait to build and paint them.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the day, Can't wait to see your work on the models, You have to keep us posted with WIP shots
